Increase Your Operational Capacity Program

Our perspectives in the media

Where m times v and our founder, Monisha Bajaj, has been interviewed in the media.

Who this program is for

You want a well-structured and flexible business fit for growth

This program is best suited for you if:


4 things to consider before scaling your small business

Monisha Bajaj spoke with journalist Erin Greenawald about grounding your scaling choices in your personal vision and managing your capacity.


Keys to building resilience for personal and professional growth

Monisha Bajaj shared with entrepreneur and writer Jia Wertz how she works on becoming more resilient as a founder when faced with new challenges.

Even though you may be swept up in the day-to-day now, you have the desire, and a vision—even if it feels a little blurry—to do more with your business.


When Strategy Meets Execution: How Monisha Bajaj Is Empowering Businesses to Grow Sustainably

"m times v helps overwhelmed founders create a game plan to expand their business capacity and income, while also reducing their working hours" – Gesche Haas


Why 'Quiet Quitting' Has Become So Pervasive, According To These 5 Founders

"[Bajaj] attributes quiet quitting to a cultural shift in how work fits into our lives." – Kells McPhillips


Cash flow management: A guide for business owners

Monisha Bajaj spoke with writer Mia Sullivan about the importance of aligning your spending with your business goals.


25 Tried and Tested Ways to Make Mental Health a Priority at Work

Monisha shared why, "Work shouldn't come at the expense of our well-being" and what founders can do about it.


Social Impact and Non-Profit Leaders to Watch: How These Women Have Determined What Causes to Dedicate Themselves To

And the hurdles that had to be overcome.


The difference between Portfolios and Proposals

Monisha Bajaj spoke to journalist Elly Earls about how freelancers can create more effective proposals.

What you’ll get out of this program

Know how and where to direct your time, resources, and attention to expand successfully

We’ve run over 350+ sessions with founders. Depending on your goals, after this program, you’ll:

Be confident in the direction they are taking your business and clearly see and know what steps to take to help you grow.

Be able to put your attention, resources, and time in the right places to help them grow—including knowing where to direct their attention as the founder.

Feel much happier and excited about your business, not wasting time on things that don’t matter, and having a business that “fits” them better

Have a strong grasp on what goes on in their business and how to manage work so that things don’t get out of control

Have a smooth running business and create a delightful experience for everyone involved: yourself, your team, and the people you serve

Reduce their work hours OR change where their spend their time in the business (depending on what their goals were to begin with)

Increased their profit margins and find it much easier to price and deliver their offerings

What we help you do

Take on more in your business without adding to your own workload

You’d like to be able to take on more in your business and handle it with ease. Without you (or your team) feeling overworked or stressed out. If so, let’s put together a step-by-step plan to increase your operational capacity.

Working with you to expand your business operations to meet demand, and beyond, happens in 3 sequential parts. Here’s how we’ll approach our work together:


Smooth operations are built on top of sound strategy. It doesn’t matter how efficient you are if you’re optimizing the wrong parts of your business. That’s why we’ll start with a review of your vision, strategy as well as the operating and offer structure you have now.

We’ll guide you through clarifying your vision. Then, strengthen your strategy and structure of your offers so we can set up your operations to help you get there. This includes looking at your operating costs and pricing to make sure operations allow you to be more profitable too.


We’ll dig into how you get work done, also known as your processes. With a trained-eye, we’ll help you eliminate inefficiencies and make structural upgrades. Then, work with you to map out updated core processes together.


We’ll develop a system to help you to anticipate, plan, manage, and distribute work across your business smoothly. This will include a workflow and may include recommendations for tools or automations where needed or appropriate. You’ll be able to accomplish more without overwhelming your own schedule or things slipping through the cracks.

You’ll get a strategy that clearly spells out where to direct your attention, resources, and time to grow. This will be accompanied by a step-by-step plan, including documented workflows and what actions to take to make structural upgrades and expand.

How we’ll work together

You’ll get a personalized, collaborative 1:1 experience

How we’ll work together

You’ll get a personalized, collaborative 1:1 experience

We work as partners to co-create your plan.

We’ll work together in a unique combination of 4 or 5 live workshops, depending on your needs and asynchronous activities.

While we do the heavy lifting guiding the engagement with our expertise, you’ll be an active participant in the process and making sound decisions about your business with our support. As our founder, Monisha, likes to say, “We build the canvas, so you can be the painter.”

Set aside roughly 1.5 to 2 hours per week during our engagement, this includes attending any workshops we run with you.

Increase Your Operational Capacity is a completely personalized 6-8 week experience

We tailor work together to fit your needs as a founder and the business. We factor in your natural learning style, strengths, and neurodiversity so you’re able to fully engage in the experience.

As any great strategy and operations plan should, the outcomes of our work are unique to your business. The investment for this program starts at USD 0000. After we chat and learn about your specific situation, we’ll create a custom plan for you to meet your needs.

Note: Sometimes founders like to combine this program with our Increase Your Operational Capacity Program. Just let us know that you’re interested in this when you send us a message and we can chat about ways to do this if it fits your needs.

We’ll chat with you to decide if this work should be done in 1, 2, or 3 separate programs

Expanding your operational capacity doesn’t happen overnight. It happens incrementally. Because we dig into the nitty gritty details, it can sometimes require more than what we can cover in 6-8 weeks.

Depending on the complexity of your business, we might recommend doing each of the parts in three separate programs or doing Part 1 and 2 in your first program, and Part 3 do a custom follow-up program a few months later. After you’ve had time to implement the first parts of your plan.

We only like to give founders practical plans they can do successfully. Keeping in mind that you’ll be implementing upgrades alongside running the business, sometimes it’s best to split it up into multiple programs and step-by-step plans to make this possible.

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If you’re curious to explore what your work with us could look like, get in touch to start the conversation.

If you're interested in working with us, send us a message here to start the conversation.

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